About the schedules
Obligations under the Competition and Consumer (Consumer Data Right) Rules 2020 have commenced in the banking and energy sectors - see commencement dates.
Certain data holders are either not active on the CDR Register for consumer data sharing or are active but have self-reported potential implementation gaps in their data-sharing systems. The rectification schedules set out further information and rectification dates as proposed by data holders.
A further rectification schedule lists issues with the data disclosed by the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) as the data holder for product data in the Energy Sector.
We are actively pursuing data holder rectification of all issues included in these schedules. We will update the rectification schedules periodically.
The ACCC publishes this information to provide transparency for accredited data recipients, other users of data, and consumers. We have not endorsed these proposals as a satisfactory resolution of non-compliance and may still take compliance or enforcement action where appropriate, in line with the ACCC/OAIC Compliance and Enforcement Policy for the Consumer Data Right.